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There I Grew Up: Remembering Abraham Lincoln’s Indiana Youth


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SKU: 109067 Category: Tags: ,


ISBN:  978-0-87195-263-9  by William E. Bartlett

In 1859 Abraham Lincoln covered his Indiana years in one paragraph and two sentences of a written autobiographical statement that included the following, “We reached our new home about the time the State came into the union. It was a wild region, with may bears and other wild animals in the woods. There I grew up.”

There I Grew Up: Remembering Lincoln’s Indiana Youth reveals, through the words of those who knew him, Abraham Lincoln’s humor, compassion, oratorical skills, and thirst for knowledge, and it provides an overview of Lincoln’s Indiana experiences, his family, the community where the Lincolns settled, and southern Indiana during the years 1816 to 1830.

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Weight 1.29 lbs